Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bouncing Crimson Globe

 Song 736: This week the playlist features Red Rubber Ball by The Cyrkle, written by Paul Simon and Bruce Woodley, and you can find a YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. Initially when the Beatles rocked my world in February of 1964, I mostly paid attention to them and their fellow British Invaders, but by the time this single came along in the summer of 1966, I had widened my ear radar to whatever climbed into the Top 40, and it didn't take long to learn the chorus of this chart topper and sing along with it. During that stretch, as a young male teenager I admired the attractive females that I shared HS classtime with, but I did not have a romantic connection with one, or even a focused amorous dream, so when I mouthed the tune I didn't picture anyone in particular as its target. In fact, at the time, it bothered me that I hadn't yet had a rollercoaster ride, regardless of the outcome, and I hoped that soon I might get to find a starfish in the sea.

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