Sunday, July 24, 2022

Rural Routes Bring Me to My Place

 Song 625: This week the playlist comes around to Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver, written by Bill Danoff, Taffy Nivert and John Denver, and you can find a YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. I spent the hot months of 1971 on The Strip in Atlanta, GA, as a summer missionary at a Southern Baptist Church outreach center, and in that era I expanded my interest in fellow singer/songwriter types like Bob Dylan and Gordon Lightfoot, but I don't recall this anthem crossing my ears as it rode the airwaves and climbed the charts. I've always associated this Denver gem with April of 1972, so I guess I probably heard it for the first time then, soon after I hooked up with a female companion who, like me, truly relished the way the ramble expressed and illustrated a deep appreciation of nature. We usually ended up in urban settings during that stretch, with both of us wishing we could find a more rural residence, but no matter how often we rode along country roads, they could never take us home to the place where we could belong.

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