Sunday, August 18, 2024

Extremely Self-Centered

 Song 733: This week the playlist recognizes You're So Vain by Carly Simon, who also wrote the song, and you can find an entertaining YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. When this roving accusation started riding the airwaves in early 1973, my wife and I resided in a comfortable apartment on the south end of my college town, Evanston, and I worked as a local cab driver, having left my university education behind without achieving a graduation. When I found out that Mick Jagger sang harmony on the tune, I thought he might be the target of the lyrics, though I also considered Ms. Simon's former husband James Taylor as an alternative possibility. I had no idea back then that a couple of decades later, I would hang out with someone who had met Carly shortly before she became famous. CS has played a number of games over the years about the identity of the vain guy, and when she made a new recording of the song in 2009, she whispered a moniker that a radio crew thought sounded like David. To be clear, that could not be me. I never flew a Lear jet up to Nova Scotia, and while I have visited Saratoga at least once or twice, I never had a horse there that naturally won.

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