Sunday, November 14, 2021

Continue Streaming

 Song 589: This week on the playlist you can hear Roll On Colombia by Woody Guthrie, who also wrote the song, and you can find a YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. Two weeks ago marked Prince's initial appearance on this list, last week was Carly Simon’s premier here, and now Woody has arrived at the gathering. Given the role that Mr. Guthrie played in laying the groundwork for the singer/songwriter phenomenon, it does seem remarkable to have gotten so close to 600 before featuring him, and I'll probably give him a few more numbers in the near future. I think I first heard this mover during my HS years, but I definitely knew more about it in my early twenties as I evolved my own personal singer/songwriter style and I learned about the multiple landmarks created by WG's pioneering. At the time, I would have agreed with the concept that dams can wonderfully provide clean energy, although in recent decades I have learned about how such structures can damage aquatic wildlife communities. Still, we can all feel grateful when a river’s power is turning our darkness to dawn, including when other great rivers add power to it. As a songwriter, I understood someone having a vision that would not let him rest, and I respect how often in the past mighty men labored by day and by night, and that by doing so, they won the hard fight.

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