Sunday, June 7, 2020

A Funny Dogfight

Song 515: This week the playlist applauds Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron by The Royal Guardsmen, written by Phil Gernhard and Dick Holler, and you can find a YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. As a kid, I regularly enjoyed the Charles Schulz comic strip Peanuts, including the series that started in the fall of my HS freshman year, in 1965, when Snoopy began fighting the Red Baron (an actual German WW1 historical figure), so when this single came along a year later, it grabbed me the first time it came across the airwaves. I always relished the part where someone does the count off in German (eins, zwei, drei, vier), and the lines about Snoopy asking the Great Pumpkin for a new battle plan made me smile every time. Imagining the cartoon character challenging the famous WW1 flyer to a real dogfight had me laughing as much as the Baron was when he got him in his sight. Decades ago, this 45 went spinning out of sight, but those of us who treasured it never forgot the grins it gave us.

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