Sunday, November 12, 2023

Lively Transportation

 Song 693: This week the playlist puts the spotlight on Rocket by The Smashing Pumpkins, written by Billy Corgan, and you can find a cool YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. Given how a certain holiday arrived and ended a couple of weeks ago, this seems like an appropriate moment to share a creative ramble by Smashing Pumpkins, in light of how much people in various parts of the U.S. have lately spent some time pulverizing large decorated round orange squashes. When this fiery carrier took off in the summer of 1993, I had lived in Brooklyn for a few years, and while I don't recall seeing the entertaining video that came along with it, I did get picked up by the moving sounds that it rolls and rocks around. In the evening, when the moon is out and the stars invite, I think I'll see if something takes off tonight. Whatever happens, though, I doubt I shall ever be free of those voices inside me.

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