Sunday, March 19, 2023

Elevated and Distant

 Song 659: This week on the playlist you can hear Over the Hills and Far Away by Led Zeppelin, written by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, and you can find an entertaining YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. The aircraft quartet got a whole bunch of us climbing the Stairway to Heaven (Song 288) in late 1972, and early along in the following year, they then took us on this high and scenic lift, and though it didn't quite break through the way the flight of steps had, it still did cover a lot of attractive-sounding territory. My wife and I lived in my Chicago-area college town during that stretch, and we had adopted a feline brother and sister to enliven our home. When we took in that duo in December of 1972, we originally prevented them from entering our bedroom at night when we went to bed, and after about a week, by the time we got up one morning, Joker (the male) had disappeared. As far as I could tell, the only way he could have left would have been to climb to the roof in the fireplace chimney, and soon after I mentioned that possibility to our upstairs neighbor, she knocked on our door and told us she heard a cat meowing on the roof, which we then heard. While I did not enjoy rescuing him from the building topper, I could feel grateful that he had not gone Over the Hills and Far Away, and luckily, for the year and a half that we resided in that apartment, that would be the only time when we had been missing him. In early 1974 we moved to Atlanta, GA, and while living there, both of our furry companions had the chance to walk a while with me and my darling.

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