Sunday, May 5, 2019

Identifying the Proper Recipient for Special Treatment

Song 458: Seven weeks after my previous personal friend song post, this week the playlist recognizes Somebody to Do That For by fellow former Fast Folkie Ilene Weiss, who also wrote the song, and you can find a YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. I became an instant fan of her work by hearing her perform at Folk City in lower Manhattan one evening in the summer of 1987. The following year, I moved to Brooklyn, and soon became a part of the Fast Folk circle. I enjoyed Ilene's music so much that during the era when Jeff Wilkinson and I ran the Camptown Coffeehouse in Park Slope, I made sure we had one special evening set aside for her to perform. I will also take credit for leaning on Jack Hardy to include her in the 1993 Fast Folk concert, which he did. At both of those memorable gatherings, the audience got the chance to Stand back and receive the rays, watching her glow as out they poured and she warmed up the world that met her gaze, so at least twice she found not just one Somebody to Do That For, but a whole roomful of appreciative recipients.

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