Sunday, February 23, 2025

Amusement As the Only Option

 Song 759: Seven weeks after my previous personal friend song post, this week's entertaining ramble All You Can Do is Laugh comes from another one of my Fast Folk colleagues, Jeff Tareila, who also wrote the song, and you can find a YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. Not long after I moved from Berkeley, CA, to Brooklyn, NY, in September of 1988, I found out about the weekly songwriter gathering at Jack Hardy's Manhattan apartment, and that soon became a regular part of my schedule. Getting into the FF circle, I became good friends with JT, to the point that when he had a wedding a few years later, my romantic partner and I got to attend that marriage ceremony. For much of my adult life, both before and after that event, some people have told me that certain difficulties I experience stem from my hair, and if I would just cut it all off, I would really get somewhere. How does someone respond to such advice? All you can do is laugh!

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