Sunday, December 8, 2024

Magenta Drizzle

 Song 749: This week on the playlist you can hear Purple Rain by Prince, who also wrote the song, and you can find a YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. As we in the northeast section of the U.S. get close to the end of the fall season, our precipitation might look darker than it did a few months earlier, but I don't expect the downpour to take on a lavender tone. Back when the Orwellian year arrived, I lived in Berkeley, CA, and most of the music that I paid attention to at the time came from the singer/songwriter group that I hung out with there, but I also did still listen to the radio sometimes, particularly when I rode in one of the cars I obtained during that stretch. It didn't take long for Mr. Prince's anthem to grab my ears and if I rode in a car by myself, I soon could sing along with his lines. Back then, we knew times were changing, and we would have liked to reach out for something new, but I did not see anyone bathing in the purple rain, and perhaps I should feel good about that.

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