Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bet You Can't Listen to This One Just Once

Song 200: Today's playlist addition is Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana, written by Kurt Cobain. When I realized that I almost got to number 200 on the list without a Nirvana song, I knew what song number 200 would have to be. I liked Nirvana, though I wasn't quite as crazy about them as some of my friends, but when I heard this song, I knew I had to get the new CD as soon as possible. Certain songs come along that grab you in such a way that you just have to hear them again and again, and this song wrapped itself around my ears in that manner. I really liked the opening verse riff, and apparently so did Courtney Love, according to the official stories, because when she first heard it she asked Kurt if she could use it. Some of the lyrics on this song I really like, such as the baby's breath line and the priceless sarcasm of the forever in debt to your priceless advice chorus, while others really don't do much for me, like the eat your cancer line, but I don't let that interfere with my enjoyment of the track. The YouTube video here is the official award-winning music video that accompanied the song's release, and I feel like it has a few good moments, mostly when the guys are mugging for the camera, but I also feel that the song far outshines the video, and I don't care much for the scenes with the old man on the cross or the woman wearing the suit with human organs painted on it. Kurt sure did have very blue eyes, though, didn't he!

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