Sunday, February 4, 2018

Determined to Escape

Song 393: This week the playlist features Rusty Cage by Soundgarden, written by Chris Cornell, and you can find a YouTube video of it by clicking on the title. I added a copy of the A-Sides CD to my collection not long after it came out in late 1997, and it immediately became a regular spinner on the player. Maybe I didn't listen to it every day, but I did have it playing at least every other day for a couple of years. The Rusty Cage that the singer intends to escape could signify a restrictive romantic entanglement or an oppressive employment trap, and I would bet he sketched the scene that way intentionally, giving listeners involved in either situation a good reason to scream along with him. While I've never been outside when it's raining icepicks, I do feel like I have broken out of a Rusty Cage a few times over the years, and I would imagine most listeners feel that way as well, even if they've never been hit with a hand of broken nails. That particular line might make you wonder, though, if there are any surviving photos of Mr. Cornell's partner's hands after a visit to a nail spa that went horribly wrong.

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